World's first fully automatic

Decentralized Business format

AI for registration, ID issue, calculation, payment, and inquiry

Member starts Business format for members

Would you like to play an active part in a world without lies?

Publish the number of registered people, sales, payment margin, and gross profit

We believe that by publishing the number of registrations and sales, we can share the goals of the whole organization and bring many members to a close awareness level. It will be a great force for organizational expansion.

Achieves maximum transparency

Being transparent means doing things openly. It can also be said that the truth is spoken in a way that people can see without being fooled. And actions that increase transparency are based on the principles of honesty, frankness, integrity, and credibility.

Security Awareness

Although the news of data breaches due to improper access to digital information has become more common these days, encrypting all sensitive documents prevents hackers from sharing stolen information.
We have held this conference for many years.

All business information is confidential, but if you need to share it with others, don't hesitate.
Just encrypt the document before sharing.


We are also using innovative “blockchain” technology.
When a file is encrypted, a public list records who and when the file was encrypted.
So this means a real guarantee that the file is not manipulated.


State-of-the-art development technology

An application is software that is installed and used on the OS of a personal computer or smartphone. PCs and smartphones have an OS installed, and it is necessary to create an application for each OS. We develop in-house, and depending on the application, we collaborate with high-tech companies specialized in the field to develop.


The era when AI predicts horse racing

Robots can perform work within programs that are already installed, but they cannot do anything outside the program. On the other hand, AI is "technology", "software", and "computer system", and has both "artificial intelligence" and "self-learning ability" to realize human intellectual ability on a computer. To do. When the AI is created, it leaves the human hand of the creator and learns and processes it on its own initiative.

HUV STYLE General Service


Back Office for STORE registrants only.

HUV Wallet

You can store and send blockchain tokens such as AGT and WGX.

Wallet will only be issued to STORE registered members.


Make more dreams come true


Unique market research and strategy with clear targets


Better service for society

We continue to



  • Company
    Just & only street partner's LTD
  • Office
    Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands, MH9696
  • CEO
    Aletta Catharina Britz
  • Contact

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