Upgrade price list

* Familiar Point is not included in the upgrade

Member STORE BP General STORE BP Special Member STORE BP All Member STORE BP
Member STORE ✖️ ✖️ ¥209,000/1900AGT 1000 ¥808,500/7350AGT 4000 ¥1,485,000/135ooAGT 6500
General STORE ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ¥594,000/5400AGT 3000 ¥1,254,000/11,400AGT 5500
Special Member STORE ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ¥693,000/6300AGT 2500

Purchase an upgrade KEY from the KEY Store.

1. Enter the HUV STYLE registered email address of the member you are upgrading.

The current registration qualification title is determined from the email address, and the selection items that match it are displayed.

Select a payment method.

You can pay by bank transfer or AGT.

When you click Next, a confirmation screen will be displayed. If there are no mistakes, click Confirm.

In the case of bank transfer, the transfer information will be sent to the email address you entered.

In the case of AGT, you can directly connect to the payment screen and make a payment.


[Payment notes]

[Payment in Japanese Yen]

Once confirmed, we will send you information about your transfer account number to the email address you entered. The transfer account number will be your own account number, so please be sure to transfer to the issued account number.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please bear the transfer fee at your expense.

The account number is the account number dedicated to the payment for this purchase.

The transfer account number is valid for 72 hours.

[Payment by AGT]

AGT payments will be made directly from Wallet.
Please prepare the required quantity for payment in the wallet in advance.
The KEY will be issued immediately after payment is completed.

Corresponding wallet
TRIAM Walle, TRIPLE Wallet, HUV STYLE Wallet

Once you have the UP GRADE KEY, click the upgrade button next to your back office profile and title.

The input screen will be displayed, so enter the KEY.

Click Confirm to complete the upgrade request.

The upgraded title will be reflected from the next month.

* You cannot upgrade unless you are an active member.